
  Knoxville, TN

Our site is still under construction.

Check out our blog at knoxvilleindependentmedia.blogspot.com

On December 18, 2010 Santa came to Knoxville, TN to

participate in a "Santa Supports WikiLeaks" protest outside

of the Federal Building.  Santa likes the gifts of information that

the media group, WikiLeaks is providing to the world. 

You can view Santa's YouTube video at


and view Santa's Photos at



For full coverage of the WikiLeaks Saga go to Democracy Now

at http://www.democracynow.org/

What is the Knoxville IMC?

Knoxville Independent Media is an all volunteer news

organization. Knoxville Independent Media Collective is looking

for reporters, photographers, web designers, and funders to help

start up an independent media collective for Knoxville and East

Tennessee based on the Indy Media model. We currently

have this free website and could use some help upgrading or

organizing it into a more user friendly website along with linking it

to the international Indy Media network. We would like to have

an organizational meeting very soon to help solidify the mission,

goals, and tactics of this media collective. 

Check out our blog at knoxvilleindependentmedia.blogspot.com

Why Independent Media?

Independent media coverage is sorely lacking in the world.

Media should be informative and provide cutting edge coverage

of issues that matter to everyone. The independent media

movement recognizes that mass media has “missed the bus” on

actually reporting the truth as we see it. As independent media

journalists we are not constrained by the threat of a paycheck or

by the archaic ideas of a boss or a funder and we will use the

internet as one of our unrestricted modes of news distribution.

This collective will strive to use a non hierarchical and

consensus decision making process to achieve results. There is

a role for everyone within the collective and we look forward to

working with you. Thanks, KIM Collective

Contact [email protected]